This is me, Ghadeer…

^P.S: That is not my kid in there I know she looks like me 🙂

Warm welcome, I am Ghadeer, a self development-relationship coach and positive psychology practitioner. Ever heard the phrase: “Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes”_ Carl Jung. I find that hitting a nerve. For that I partner with people dealing with the relationship they have with themselves/others, and people trying to balance the work-life challenges, wishing if they had more time for themselves and their loved ones. Be it to improve their lifestyle, meet their goals or invest in their relationships. Believe me I get it! work takes time, family takes time, looking after yourself takes time, but time is always running out and things are falling out of control. Where has time gone? I hear that everyday “I’m either too tired or too busy or just having a bad day to bother with something I dreamt about long, long time ago, I’ll get to that when am done with this” _which we all know is never happening!

I have devoted myself to these areas as I see the rising modern life dilemma, where people lose their happiness in life being too busy making a living! relatioships are falling to the background, dreams are thrown on a dusty shelf, both are essential to ones happiness and both are being sacrificed “I’m too stressed about other stuff”. Ultimatly the price is your happiness and your life satisfaction.

Success in career should not come at the expense of success in relationships or mental well-being, the secret is balance, only those who make the effort to workout their version of balance can have it all, themselves, their relationship and their career.I am very delighted to see that achieved by my clients and friends throughout my coaching.

I for one had had a coach since 2012 throughout 2017, I have to admit that at that young age I had made a wise call to invest in my mental health (even though at the start I was a new graduate, and a newly divorcee), I knew I needed help, and I knew no one around me no matter how much they loved me, can’t actually understand what am going through. So I picked up the newspaper and looked up a coaching institute. I had very little money saved, and even less left of my sanity. I figured that once I get my strong mind back then everything else will follow, and it has!!! best investment I have ever made – myself!

My role lies in partnering with you through your journey, I employ questioning techniques, tailored psychological exercises and coaching models. A process that gains you clarity, confidence, eased mind and ultimately a life lived well.

So, if you see yourself or anyone you know benefiting from this coaching, please avail of the offered complimentary session, feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


The reason behind it – My Mission

I aim to have each one of my clients life back in their control. I believe that we all have inborn potentials, that could have been overlooked, they can be harnesed and employed towards a fulfilling life if only we can stop making excuses that we don’t even buy.

My mission is to support you while you find what’s stopping you, overcome that, and build your own unique path in life. So you can have a healthy stable loving relationship with yourself first and with the world second.

I have seen the changes people can make, raising the quality of their lives and relationships. Once you establish your true intentions, partner with your life coach, and open yourself to inner growth and self discovery you will be able to have a life of peace and abundance.

Most importantly enjoy the journy!

The long run – My Values

I personally value success and making life worth living. I see success as having a happy stable relationship with others, family, constand inner growth and secure rewarding career. Time and energy are given to us every morning, they are free but they are also limited, no one has more than 24hrs a day, and no one has more energy when the day ends, for that I see them as the biggest and most valuable resources. Highly successful people know this, wasted time and wasted energy is worse than wasted money, and they manage theirs mindfully.

Words I live by

Rules for happiness: something to do, someone to love, something to hope for.

Everything you ever wanted is on the other side of fear.

A healthy relationship starts with a healthy relationship with yourself.

Attribute to my Mentors


    Humanitarian, photographer, scientist, Buddhist monk, author Founder of @karunashechen. He grew up among the personalities and ideas of French intellectual circles. He received a PhD degree in molecular genetics from the Pasteur Institute.


    An American professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of California, Riverside and author of the bestseller, “The How of Happiness.


    A Professor of Psychology and Head of Silliman Residential College at Yale University. Dr. Santos hosts the popular podcast, The Happiness Lab.


    A leading figure in education, research, and practice on the character strengths. He is the author of several books including Character Strengths Interventions; Mindfulness and Character Strengths.


    A leading scholar within social psychology, affective science, and positive psychology, Ph.D., earned her doctorate from Stanford University.


    Michael Steger is the Founder and Director of the Center for Meaning and Purpose, and Professor of Psychology at Colorado State University. He also serves as an Extraordinary Professor by North-West University in South Africa. He received his B.A. in Psychology from Macalester College, his MS in Counseling from the University of Oregon in 1997, and his Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology and Personality Psychology from the University of Minnesota in 2005.


    Dr. James Pawelski, A Professor of Practice and Director of Education in the Positive Psychology University of Pennsylvania. Suzann Pawelski Masters of Applied Positive Psychology from the same university, a freelance writer and well-being consultant specializing in the science of happiness and its effects on relationships and health.


    The founder and Director of the Resilience Research Centre at Dalhousie University, where he holds the Canada Research Chair in Child, Family and Community Resilience.